building websites using wordpres and crocoblock.
we only want what's the best for you.
because we want only the best for our customers making websites is done with the best software on the market. WordPress and Crocoblock allow us to build a website according to your wishes in the shortest possible time.
how is a website made?
1. talk to the client
With the client at the beginning of the project, we set goals from the layout to the content that will be displayed on the website.
2. page design
This is followed by the start of website creation. Related to this are domain registration, installing plugins, and designing a website.
3. optimisation
We complete the website with optimization and final corrections according to the customer's wishes.
affordable web design
different website design packages available
The making of the website itself represents one-time cost. This depends on the choice of package. In doing so, it is very important that you know what you want to achieve with your website, as this will make it easier for you to decide which package is best for you.
In addition to creating a website, it is necessary to pay annually for domain renewal and hosting, for which we have prepared a very special package. This package also includes not only extensions but also monthly updates and minor corrections on the website.
First, making a website is a process that takes your time. Only in this way can we do everything necessary to ensure that your website meets the set goals. And most importantly, the time it takes to create a website depends on the size of the website. Second, creating a basic website can only take a few days, while for larger websites, creating it can take between 10-20 business days.
This cost is paid annually. Therefore, most Slovenian domain registration providers have very similar prices for domain registration. This is registered for a minimum of 1 year, and registration prices for the selected domain range from 10 euros onwards.
The next cost incurred in creating a website is the cost of hosting the selected domain. This is an annual (or multi-year) lease of server space that you need to be able to display your website.
Vaša spletna stran lahko zajema zelo malo prostora, predvsem, če gre za enostavno, predstavitveno spletno stran. V tem primeru je strošek gostovanja nižji, kot takrat, ko vaša spletna stran vsebuje veliko fotografij, video vsebin ali pa imate spletno trgovino. Ta strošek pa se giblje med 5€ in 10€ mesečno.